Why Should You Try Out Different Scents

Why Should You Try Out Different Scents

The sense of smell is our most primitive sense, and it's the closest thing to the emotional brain. Scent and fragrance is the most intimate way of sharing a few of your innermost thoughts and character. There are a lot of pleasant aromas that will stimulate our taste when it comes to scent, and there are a variety of things that can give us satisfaction in our scent cravings, such as candles, perfumes, room spray, and more..


We should try out different scents because our olfactory taste changes too. Do you know that just like our taste buds, our olfactory sense changes every three years? Yes, you read it right! Our understanding of smell changes so maybe, the scent that we love and look forward to every day never excites us anymore; that's why we're constantly searching for "the next scent" that will give us excitement and contentment. And also the reason why at Lynk, we're continually introducing new and unique scents to whet your olfactive appetite! In other scenarios, perfumers reformulate their scents by adding or removing ingredients from their original components. When our favorite scent changes, we look forward to another scent that will satisfy our cravings.

Trying other scents is a way for us to know if there is still something better than we usually use. For scents-wise, sometimes trying something new is better than staying on what you're used to. Who knows if the fresh scent you are trying is the one which perfectly suits you?

Moreover, according to studies, our sense of smell signals our brain to regulate the primordial pulsations of hunger, thirst, etc. That is why fragrances unconsciously affect our emotional behavior and elevate our mood. For this reason, our choice of scents can change, and it is subjective to everyone. That's why sometimes, There's a scent that you enjoy, and others might not!


Anosmic is the term for a person who has anosmia or smell blindness. Loss of the sense of smell – can occur for several different reasons. Each affects another part of the olfactory system. Common causes of anosmia include: inflammation in the nose caused by viral, bacterial, or fungal infections, Viral respiratory infections (common colds) can damage or destroy the smell receptor cells, Congenital or in-born causes and the reasons for this are unknown at this time.

The sense of smell serves as a warning system, and anosmic individuals cannot detect environmental dangers such as gas leaks, smoke from the fire, or the rotten scent of spoiled food. The ability to prepare and enjoy food, an important family and social activity, also is reduced, as the smell is a big part of food flavor. Although today, our sense of smell isn't as important as back in the day during cavemen times where you needed to 'smell' danger.

Today, lacking the sense of smell in modern times might mean missing emotional connections associated with scents and not thoroughly enjoying the pleasurable aspects of fragrance.

Many individuals, especially those with acquired anosmia, report depression, anxiety, and isolation symptoms and describe the condition as like experiencing the world through a frosted window. Prolonged exposure to the same smell might lead to the nose being too used to it, and some also experience highly unpleasant and distressing phantom scents.

If you suspect you have anosmia, you can try to expose your nose to as many scents as possible, which might stimulate and reignite the nerves in the olfactive part of your brain!


Stimulate the brain

The olfactory process begins when fragrances from the atmosphere enter the nose and attach to the cilia of receptor cells.

Since recorded history, the aroma components from natural products have been used for mental, spiritual, and physical healing. In aromatherapy, fragrance substances (aroma/odor/scent) from various natural sources have been used to treat multiple disorders. The aromatherapy treatment is a natural way of healing a person's mind, body, and soul. Essential oils and fragrance compounds have been used to treat psychological and physical disorders such as headaches, pain, insomnia, eczema, stress-induced anxiety, depression, and digestive problems. In our daily life, several fragrances appear, and a sense of smell plays an essential role in the physiological effects of mood, stress, and working capacity.

Reading and smelling scents simultaneously can make one smarter due to the synapses connecting past memory and present experience. For example, experiencing the scent of our Himalayan bamboo candle and reading transports you. It enables you to visualize yourself in the forest and smell the different fresh-cut grass at your feet with some floral notes of the flowers that are still green and unripe. If you currently have our bamboo candle, do try it! While smelling it, read one of our reviews by Cynthia and let us know your experience!
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